Storm Preparation: How to Protect Your Trees During Severe Weather

Severe weather events such as storms, hurricanes, and heavy winds can cause significant damage to trees and property. Taking proactive measures to protect your trees before a storm hits can minimize damage and ensure the safety of your landscape. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential tips for storm preparation and how to protect your trees during severe weather.

1. Regular Tree Maintenance

One of the best ways to prepare your trees for storms is through regular maintenance. Healthy, well-maintained trees are more resilient to storm damage. Here are some key maintenance practices:

  • Pruning: Regular pruning helps remove weak or dead branches that could break off during a storm. It also reduces wind resistance by thinning the canopy, allowing wind to pass through more easily.

  • Inspection: Regularly inspect your trees for signs of disease, pest infestations, or structural weaknesses. Addressing these issues early can prevent them from becoming major problems during a storm.

  • Cabling and Bracing: For trees with multiple trunks or heavy limbs, cabling and bracing can provide additional support and reduce the risk of breakage.

2. Proper Tree Planting

Proper planting techniques can significantly impact a tree’s ability to withstand severe weather. Consider the following tips when planting new trees:

  • Choose the Right Species: Select tree species that are well-suited to your local climate and soil conditions. Some species are more wind-resistant than others.

  • Proper Spacing: Plant trees with adequate space between them to allow for healthy root and canopy growth. Overcrowded trees are more susceptible to damage.

  • Correct Planting Depth: Ensure trees are planted at the correct depth, with the root flare (where the roots spread out from the trunk) at ground level. This promotes strong root development and stability.

3. Mulching and Watering

Mulching and watering your trees properly can help them develop strong, healthy roots that anchor them firmly in the ground:

  • Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of your trees to retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and reduce root competition from grass and weeds. Keep the mulch a few inches away from the trunk to prevent rot.

  • Watering: Water your trees deeply and regularly, especially during dry periods. Deep watering encourages deep root growth, which enhances stability during high winds.

4. Pre-Storm Preparations

When a storm is forecasted, take the following steps to prepare your trees:

  • Secure Loose Items: Remove or secure any loose objects in your yard that could become projectiles and damage your trees.

  • Check for Weak Branches: Inspect your trees for any weak or dead branches that could break off during the storm. If possible, prune them before the storm arrives.

  • Remove Hazardous Trees: If you have trees that are already compromised or pose a significant risk to your property, consider having them removed by a professional arborist before the storm.

5. Post-Storm Assessment and Care

After the storm has passed, it’s important to assess the damage and take appropriate actions to care for your trees:

  • Inspect for Damage: Carefully inspect your trees for broken branches, cracks, or uprooting. Be cautious of hanging branches or leaning trees that could fall.

  • Prune Damaged Branches: Remove any broken or hanging branches using proper pruning techniques. Avoid excessive pruning, as it can stress the tree further.

  • Support and Stabilize: For trees that have been partially uprooted or are leaning, consider staking or guying them to provide temporary support while they recover.

  • Consult a Professional: If you’re unsure about the extent of the damage or how to address it, consult a professional arborist. They can provide expert advice and perform necessary treatments to help your trees recover.


Protecting your trees during severe weather involves a combination of regular maintenance, proper planting techniques, and proactive measures before and after storms. By taking these steps, you can enhance the resilience of your trees and minimize the risk of damage to your property.

For expert tree care services and storm preparation advice, trust AP Tree Service. Our arborists are here to help you maintain healthy and safe trees year-round. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us assist you in protecting your landscape from severe weather.

Call us at 509-808-1008 to schedule your appointment.


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